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Q: What are the diffeence between the two major types of health insurance plans in terms of costs and how you get care when you need it?
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What are the surgery costs for gastric bypass?

The surgery costs for gastric bypass can, cost anywhere in between $20,000 and $25,000. Depending on if the costs are covered by your health insurance. Which in turn is determined by your state and policy.

Which kind of insurance protects from the costs of illness that involves a trip to the doctor?

health insurance.

Does any Insurance cover the costs for a handicapped stair lift?

Health insurance will cover a portion of the purchase and installation costs, but you're on your own for maintenance costs.

What are health insurance quotes?

Health insurance quotes are estimates of costs of health insurance. Some can be for vision, personal, family, business, and many others. There are many companies that offer these.

What is the difference between health care and health insurance?

Health care is the care provided to you by doctors, clinicians, hospitals, etc. Health insurance is a method of paying for that health care. An insurance carrier develops a health insurance plan that covers certain costs incurred by a patient on that plan. The patient is called a plan member. The plan member is charged a monthly premium for that plan.

What are health care deductibles?

Those parts of your health care costs that are not covered by your insurance.

Where could one go to find information on how to reduce health insurance costs?

To find information on how to reduce health insurance costs, one can go to sites about insurance consultancy such as government page healthinsurance. This site provides not only one but also several ways to have an affordable cost of health insurance.

How you get health insurance if?

Find a health insurance broker to compare plans and costs for you. It may seem easy to find an agent who will offer you cheap health insurance. Find out how health reform will affect your benefits and your budget.

Distinguish between co-insurance and reinsurance?

Coinsurance in medical health (casualty) is sharing of costs between insurer and insured, and in property insurance it is were the risk( one risk) is shared between different insurance companies. Reinsurance is insurance for an insurance company, where by an insurance companies seeks for indemnification in case that a stated loss takes place.

Where can one find out about health insurance costs in Canada?

One can look on the Health Canada website to find information about health insurance costs in Canada. They have information about the Canada Health Act and what one is entitled to. One can also find similar information on Wikipedia.

Why do you need health insurance?

As medical care advances and treatments increase, health care costs also increase. The purpose of health insurance is to help you pay for care. It protects you and your family financially in the event of an unexpected serious illness or injury that could be very expensive. In addition, you are more likely to get routine and preventive care if you have health insurance. You need health insurance because you cannot predict what your medical bills will be. In some years, your costs may be low. In other years, you may have very high medical expenses. If you have health insurance, you will have peace of mind in knowing that you are protected from most of these costs. You should not wait until you or a family member becomes seriously ill to try to purchase health insurance. We also know that there is a link between having health insurance and getting better health care. Research shows that people with health insurance are more likely to have a regular doctor and to get care when they need it.

Why should you have health insurance?

As medical care advances and treatments increase, health care costs also increase. The purpose of health insurance is to help you pay for care. It protects you and your family financially in the event of an unexpected serious illness or injury that could be very expensive. In addition, you are more likely to get routine and preventive care if you have health insurance. You need health insurance because you cannot predict what your medical bills will be. In some years, your costs may be low. In other years, you may have very high medical expenses. If you have health insurance, you will have peace of mind in knowing that you are protected from most of these costs. You should not wait until you or a family member becomes seriously ill to try to purchase health insurance. We also know that there is a link between having health insurance and getting better health care. Research shows that people with health insurance are more likely to have a regular doctor and to get care when they need it.