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an adult is over 18 old, an infant is under 2 years

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what is the different between a child's airway and an adult airway

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Q: What are the difference between adult and infant?
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What interactions would you see between an adult and a 7 month old infant?

with babies that are brought up with interactions they can share love and not much different is put between a infant and an adult

Difference between adult child and infant airways?

A child's airway differs from that of an adult in that the child's tongue is proportionately larger in the oropharynx compered to that of an adult. Also, a child's airway is smaller and softer and more prone to foreign body obstruction. An infant's airway is smaller and softer still and the trachea is usually about the diameter of a pencil.

What are the differences between the adult and infant kidneys?

In terms of function, nothing. The adult kidney is just much larger.

Silarites between infant and aduld baptism?

The two baptisms are the same, except that an adult being baptised answers for himself. The parents answer for an infant.

Do your eyes grow as you age or are babies born with their adult eyes?

An infant's eyes are between 65 and 75 percent of their adult size.

What is the difference between infant and child?

An infant is that period between birth and when the infant is able to sit/stand up with help. A child is a broader term that includes the infant period till it is able to perform activities without help.

Is there a difference between adult and child digestion?

no, there is not much of a difference.

Difference between young beetle and adult beetle?

the adult has wings

Which was difference between. Lutheranism and Anabaptist belief?

Anabaptists were against infant baptism

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What is the difference between a nymph and an adult cricket?

the difference between a nymph and an adult cricket is that the nymph is one of the earlier stages in the life cycle of a cricket

Can an infant tell the difference between its identical twin mother and aunt?

It is unlikely for an infant to tell the difference between its identical twin mother and aunt initially, as they share the same genetic makeup and may look very similar. However, over time the infant may start to recognize subtle differences in behavior, scent, or other cues that help differentiate between the two.