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Being that the commandments are not specifically numbered, the commandments Protestant listing has them more in being with the version given in Exodus, while the Catholic listing follows the pattern in Deuteronomy. Catholics see the Protestant listing of the first two as one commandment with the graven images one as commentary that expands on the first commandment about no other gods but Him. One can note that in Deuteronomy 6:21, the commandments against coveting are split, making the coveting of someone's wife being separated from that of objects. Early Christian commentators made note of that, tying this in to how it is held up by Jesus as sin to objectify a woman (Matt 5:28) as well what St. Paul noted, that all (male and female) are one in Christ, thus upholding the personhood of women, a radical notion for ancient times!

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Q: What are the difference between catholic 10 commandments and protestant 10 commandments?
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