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Monsoon and rainy season both are same.

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Q: What are the difference between rainy season and transition monsoon?
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What is the difference between northeast monsoon and retreating monsoon?

Northeast monsoon , are the monsoon that come from south . This season starts from June and in the month of September . retreating monsoon starts from the mid of september month and ends in the november month .

How long is a monsoon?

Monsoon season can be different depending on where you live. The average monsoon season is between two and three months.

When is the monsoon period in gambia?

Rainy season is between July and September

When is monsoon season in North America?

for Phoenix Arizona the monsoon season is from July-September.

Is there a monsoon season in Seoul Korea?

The monsoon season is usually from June to August.

When are monsoons most likely to happen?

Monsoon season happens in several different spots all over the globe. Monsoon season is typically between June and october depending where on the globe you are asking about.

In which month the transition season changed the hot rainy season to drywinter season?

between october to november...!

Are rainy season and monsoon season the same?


What is an example of a sentence using the word monsoon?

I want to have the irrigation system upgraded before the monsoon season arrives.

Which season in August?


Is monsoon a season or is it a storm?

a monsoon is when it rains very very hard.

What is monsoon's population?

A monsoon is a wind that changes direction with change of season