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Q: What are the difference between regional metamorphosm and contact metamorphism?
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Difference between regional and local metamorphism?

regional metamorphism occurs over a large area while local metamorphism occurs over a small area.

What is the difference between regional and contact metamorphism?

Regional metamorphism is the creation of metamorphic rock from large geographically significant processes like plate tectonics. Contact metamorphism is the creation of metamorphic rock from the proximity of an existing rock to a heat source provided by a plutonic intrusion.

What is the difference between regional and contact metamorphose?

Contact metamorphism is a type of metamorphismwhere rock minerals and texture are changed, mainly by heat, due to contact with magma.

Why are metamorphic rocks formed by contact metamorphism usually not as dense as those formed by regional metamorphism?

Contact metamorphism does not cause profound compaction, which is the reduction in size of the spaces between mineral particles due to increases in pressure. Regional metamorphism causes compaction and possibly recrystallization, increasing the density of the rock.

What is the difference between thermal metamorphism and regional metamorphism?

thermal is when the rock is metamorphosed by heat more than pressure. regional is the opposite. so if a rock is close to the surface and gets metamorphosed next to a pluton, it is mainly heat (its not very deep, so there is not a lot of pressure, but it gets a lot of heat from the pluton). but if a rock is very deep and far from any magma, it will be under a lot of pressure, but not a lot of heat. so thus, regional metamorphism.

What is the difference between contact and metamorphism?

Contact metamorphism is metamorphism that happens when preexisting rock comes in contact with a molten rock or magma and it melts locally.Regional metamorphism is metamorphism happens when two plates collide the plate that subducts can melt by the heated area.

What is the difference between slate and phyllite?

The degree of metamorphism. Phyllite is slate further metamorphosed.

What is the difference between low grade and high grade metamorphism?

One is high and one is low.

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What type of metamorphism did shale go through to become slate?

To metamorphose shale into slate you require a regional metamorphic environment which reaches temperatures of between 400-600oC and pressures of between 3-4 Kilo-bars (a burial depth of about 18 Km). The name of this sort of metamorphism is 'greenschist facies' with a 'Barovian' mechanism.

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