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Q: What are the differences between incisors and molars?
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I'm sorry, this isn't really an answer, but did you by any chance,do a rat disection prac on tuesday? rats: molars & incisors humans: molars, canines, incisors rats have massive incisors - to gnaw with molars obviously for grinding both; deal with tough plants/grains/meat humans have canines too - for slicing (rats dont really need to)

What is the word when you eat an apple incisors molars or canines?

Bite into the apple with your incisors then grind it up with your molars.

Do cow have deciduous teeth?

Yes with the molars. But cows do not have upper incisors, just lower incisors.

What are the four anatomic types of permanent teeth?

Molars, canine, incisors, premolar.

What are the four types of teeth found in humans?

There are premolars, molars, incisors and canines.

What are the different types of teeth humans have?

there are 3 types of teeth in a humans mouth

How many incisors are next to the molars?

Humans tend to have 8 incisors.4 on the top row and four on the bottom.

How are a rodent's incisors and a horse's molars alike?

.there molars keep groing

What is the definition of a canine?

The canines are the teeth between the molars and the incisors.

What do molars insicors and canines do?

Canines cut. Molars chew. And incisors tear

If you have all of your teeth which teeth do you have the most of?

Of bicuspids, incisors, canine and molars, humans have more molars. Excluding the wisdom teeth (tertiary molars), the number of incisors, bicuspids, and molars is the same (8 out of an adult total of 28 teeth). Of the 32 permanent teeth, there are: 8 incisors 4 canine 8 bicuspid (premolars) 12 molars

What cleans particles from molars and incisors?
