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Q: What are the differences between pyramids and valley of the kings?
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Why do people believe the Egyptians stopped using pyramids and started using The Valley of the Kings?

they did not they still used pyramids but used valley of the kings for very rich and powerfull kings and pyramids for not so rich kings.

Are Luxor Valley Of Kings home to the pyramids?


Were the pyramids built in the valley of the kings?


Where in Egypt was a valley where 800 pyramids were built?

The valley of Kings

What are the Pyramids in valley of the kings built from?

The Pyramids in the Valley of the Kings were built primarily from limestone blocks. These blocks were quarried from nearby sources and then transported to the construction site where they were stacked to form the pyramid structures. Additionally, some pyramids also incorporated granite and sandstone in their construction.

Who built the valley of kings?

The slaves built the Pyramids for the Pharaoh.

Are there pyramids in the Valley of Kings?

No. Pyramids were not built in the Valley of the Kings. Instead there are tombs are dug into the mountain using the natural caves and expanding them. Hundreds were made and new ones are still being found.

What were common sites of tomb robbing in Egypt?

Pyramids, Valley of the KIngs, Valley of the Queens, Valley of the Nobles, etc.

Where were mummified bodies buried in?

The valley of the kings or Pyramids in ancient Egypt

Where did they make tombs for their pharaohs after they stopped making pyramids?

Valley of the Kings.

Where is the pharaos tomb located?

Some are in the Valley of the Kings, and others are in pyramids.

What was the name of the thing that pharaohs were buried in?

pyramids, or in later years the valley of the kings.