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The Lutheran Church was formed out of the reforms of Martin Luther, a Roman Catholic priest of the 1500's. Catholic reforms have happened since within the Roman Church in response to the many reforms of the protestant Churches.

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similar, not the same. we believe in the death of Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins. We pray to the same God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) But catholics have more sacraments, purgatory, and pray to Mary and the Saints. Lutherans don't pray to Mary or the saints, believe that good works do nothing to get them closer to heaven and believe solely in heaven and hell, no purgatory

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Q: What are the differences between the Catholic and Lutheran reformations?
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Difference between greek orthodox and Lutheran theology?

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What is the difference between the Lutheran reformation and the Catholic reformation?

The Lutheran Reformation kept two of the seven doctrines of the Catholic church; The Lord's Supper and Baptism. Luther also reorganized the church service by replacing The Mass with vernacular liturgy.

What are the differences between Catholic and Christian priests?

None, Catholic priests are Christian priests.

What Protestant doctrine threw out the authority of the Roman Catholic Church tradition?

AnswerThe Presbyterian Church of England!AnswerOr perhaps 95 Theses against the Catholic Church, written by Martin Luther, the founder of Lutheranism. One of the main differences between the Lutheran Church and the Roman Catholic Church lies in the doctrine of forgiveness. Lutherans believe salvation and forgiveness are gifts from God that can't be earned, setting them apart from many Christian denominations.The reason Lutheranism is compared with Catholicism is that the Lutheran Church began as a reform movement within the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

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