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There are lists that say what you are supposed to eat depending on your blood type. These lists suggest certain blood types eat more proteins in the form of fish, more dairy or less dairy. It goes by the amount of acid in your blood. There are many lists to look through.

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Q: What are the different blood type foods list?
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What is a list of foods for B blood type?

There are list of foods that are better for your diet depending what blood type you are. Some of the foods that are recommended are dairy, beans fruits and vegatables. There are even some foods that help out with weight loss.

Where can I find a list of foods for blood type A positive person?

I general list of good foods to eat while on a type A diet can be found on It gives a list of foods that are recommended and not recommended.

Where can I find a food list for blood type A individuals?

Information is readily available for food lists for people with blood type A: The following provides additional information:

Meal preparation for different blood types?

Each blood type requires different specific foods. Take note of what type you are and prepare your meals accordingly to the foods your blood type needs.

Where is a list of foods for people with type A blood to eat/avoid? carries a list of foods appropriate for those with type A blood. Protein powder supplement is good for those with type A blood. They should eat plenty of vegetables and avoid red meat.

Where is a listing of foods and blood type?

You could find a list of foods correlating with blood types with your local nutritionalist. These people are trained specifically to be able to tell you exactly what foods work best with what blood type.

What are the different foods by blood type? has a list of foods to eat by blood type. Each blood type varies, such as people with type a blood should remain on a mostly vegetarian diet, while people with blood type B should eat red mean, but avoid lentils, peanuts, and corn. Type o blood type needs to maintain a balanced diet while avoiding carbs.

Where can I find a list of foods to eat corresponding to blood type?

Yes there are a list of foods that you should eat if you are a certain blood type. If you wish to find information about what you should eat based on your own specific blood type, visit

Is there a diet determined by a blood type of a positive?

There is a diet for people with type a blood. The suggestion for people with type a blood is to focus on eating vegetarian and seafood. has a list of reccommended foods.

On the blood type diet, what types of foods are prohibited on the type B blood food list?

The Blood Type Diet plan can be found on Dr. Peter D'Adamo's website, This website has lists of foods and supplements for people with various blood types, including Type B.

Does blood type A have a food list?

For blood type A, the following foods are recommended: vegetables, seafood, tofu, beans, grains, legumes and fruits. However, the following list of foods are not recommended: meat, dairy products, kidney beans, lima beans and wheat.

Where does one purchase blood type o foods?

foods deemed best for blood type O are available in any grocery store. A list of foods for blood type O diet is readily available in a book called eat right for your blood type by Peter J.Adamo or alternatively accessing this website will give you that information