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Yes, there are diff. types of bettas. There are moontail, doubletail, crowntail, and many more. I don't know if any of them are harder to raise it is just what type u want and what you are willing to pay. Sometimes you can get some nice regular male or female bettas from your local pet store. My favorite types are the double-moon tail and the double-crown tail in the color of red/blue/yellow. My favorite color of bettas is yellow if it is bold other wise i like a mixture of blue and red. Answer
Veiltails are the best selection for a beginner. These are the ones sold in pet stores. They come in alot of different pretty colors and are not picky about their tanks or food.
I used to raise Bettas on a commercial scale and had over 50,000 fish at one time. I kept numerous tail types including Plakat, Halfmoon, Halfmoon Plakat, DoubleTail, Double Tail Plakat, Spade Tail, Rose Tail, Delta, Super Delta, Fuse Tail and Fuse Fin.
There are also Ribbon Tail, Crown Tail, King Crown Tail, Supreme King Crown Tail, and the Veiltails as I mentioned... but I did not raise these.
None are harder to keep than the others... but breeding them is something else. Also, better-bred and show-quality fish can cost $50 or more. Most average $10 to $20 each, though some go much higher.
I imported most of my stock from Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.
There are several hundred colors and color combinations. Miniature and Giant strains of bettas are also being perfected. Some Giants are sold now, but they are not usually 100% pure giant. They are mostly 50% to 75% giant blood.

Males have long tails and are more expensive but prettier and last a long time. Girl betas are small to small and are cheaper they live the same amount of time and are not that pretty you can get them at the petstore and Walmart.


Veiltails are no better a beginner Betta than any other tail or fin type. Even Petco is starting to sell some of the more exotic tail types quite inexpensively. It's more a matter of what you like, as all the fancy Bettas are equally easy to care for.

Aside from the fancy Betta splendens that are most commonly available, there are dozens of other Betta species that can be found. These are the wild types. Some are as easy to care for as fancy Bettas, and some are very difficult to keep. Go to for more information on both domestic and wild bettas.
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6y ago

There are a variety of breeds of the Betta Fish. Some include: Half-Moon Betta, Veiltail Betta, Crowntail Betta, Short-Finned Betta, King Betta, Dualtail Betta, Hearttail Betta.

there are a couple different types of bettas that i know of. there are crown tail bettas, half-moon bettas, round tail bettas, and short finned bettas

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14y ago

There are probably as many different names for Bettas as there are pages in a book. Every person who breeds a fish that looks slightly different from the others seems to think up a fancy name and then try to charge a fancy price for it. When it all boils down to it, a Betta splendens is a Betta splendens no matter what fancy name some people call it.

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Can a male plakat betta fish mate with a regular female betta fish?

Yes all bettas can mate with other bettas. " regular betta fish" there are different types and they can all breed together.

Can you mate different kinds of color betta fish?

Yes how do you think the multicolored bettas came to be the fish are still bettas no matter the color they are.

What color are male bettas?

Male bettas come in many different colors. Purple, blue, green, white, black, red, orange and so on. They will also display more than one type of color (i.e. red and blue mixed). Bettas are not identified by color for their sex. Instead it is an appearance. Males have long flowing fins while females have short unremarkable fins. There is however a short fin male which closely resembles a female. They also have many different types of tails and fins, from half-moon, crescent, crowned, ect.

What are the differences between girl bettas and boy bettas?

Boy bettas have really big fins and are very colorful, and girl bettas are pretty much the opposite!

What country are bettas from?

Bettas originate from Southeast Asia.

Bettas and goldfish?

Male bettas should be kept alone. Female bettas can sometimes be kept with other fish, but in a large community tank. Bettas need their space!

Why do boy bettas hate other boy bettas?

bettas are very territorial fish, the males fight for their territiory.

How do you breed Japanese bettas?

the same as all the other bettas

Can a betta fish and a goldfish have babies?

No, it is impossible. Goldfish are coldwater and have different spawning techniques than bettas.

Do bettas kill guppys?

Bettas will eat baby guppys as will most other fish, but in general, male Bettas will only fight with other male Bettas. They do not fight with other species of fish

Can another breed fertilize betta eggs?

No. Only Bettas can breed with Bettas. You are basically asking if the crossing of different species can happen under normal conditions. The answer is still no. It is like trying to cross a cow with a dog. Can't be done.

Why do male bettas try to fight their reflection?

They see them the same as other male bettas,as competition,they cannot tell the diffrence between their reflections and other bettas.