

What are the different changes of occurring puberty?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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breast development and hair growth

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Q: What are the different changes of occurring puberty?
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Is puberty permanent?

The changes are - but the period when they are occurring, which we call puberty, does come to an end (thankfully) and girls and boys emerge from it as men and women (at least physically - some never seem to quite finish the emotional maturing that should be occurring at the same time).

What do you feel when you are in age of puberty?

When you are going through puberty, there is overall restlessness and many mood swings. There are many behavioural changes that are caused by the different hormones.

Why do some people experience different secodary signs of puberty?

Puberty can affect different people in completely different ways. Due to the amount of changes going on in the body (both physically and mentally), people can display different reactions.

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Have you hit puberty if you have pubic hair around your penis but nowhere else?

Puberty starts for different people at different ages. Some when they are as young as 8 and some not until they are 16. If you start noticing changes in your physical self, such as pubes or mental self, such as a stronger sexual desire, then yes you have hit puberty.

Why is puberty for to be a boy and and a man normal?

Yes,it is normal as you do,Puberty is like changes your voice.

What is the different when your change orruring puberty?

Your voice changes Your penis become big. You will grown underarm hair and hair around your penis

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Why do periods come at different intervals to start with?

You don't menstruate until you ovulate, and it takes time for the body to reach a point where it is mature enough to ovulate regularly. Also during puberty there are a lot of changes occurring in the body which will impact on hormone levels, so in turn impact on the menstrual cycle causing irregularity.

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