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Examples of homonyms include "bat" (flying mammal, and sports equipment), "bear" (animal, and to tolerate), and "bow" (knot, and weapon). These are words that are spelled and pronounced the same, but have different meanings.

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What are the different types homonyms?

homophone and homographs and homonyms

Examples of homonyms with different spelling?

One example of homonyms with different spelling is "meet" and "meat." "Meet" refers to coming together, while "meat" is the flesh of animals used as food. Another example is "soar" (to fly high in the sky) and "sore" (painful or sensitive).

Are pen and pin homonyms?

No, pen and pin are not homonyms. They are pronounced differently and have distinct meanings. "Pen" refers to a writing instrument while "pin" refers to a small, pointed object used for fastening things together.

What is an example of a homonyms?

An example of homonyms is "bat", which can refer to a flying mammal or a wooden stick used in sports. Both words are spelled the same but have different meanings.

What are the homonyms for affection?

Homonyms refer to words that have different meanings and spelling but sound similar. Attention, infection and direction are examples of homonyms for affection.

What do you call a word that has different meanings but is spelled the same way?

HeteronymA heteronym is a word that is spelled and sounds the same but has different meanings. An example of this is the word 'lick'. You can lick an ice cream cone (eating using only your tongue) or lick someone in a fight (defeat the person physically)..HomonymA heteronym is a subset of the homonyms. Homonyms sound the same, and they can be, but are not necessarily spelled in the same way. An example of homonyms are the words 'bear' and 'bare'. Bear (the animal) and bare (lacking decoration or to undress) sound the same, are spelled differently, and have different meanings..'Lick' is an example of both a heteronym and a homonym, whereas 'bear' and 'bare' are homonyms only .

What do you call words that mean the same but are spelled different?

Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. Homonyms are words that sound alike but have different meanings. Words that both sound the same and are spelled the same and both homonyms (same sound) Fair, as in country fair and fair as in reasonable for example

Can you give 20 example of homonyms?

Bark (sound of a dog) and bark (outer covering of a tree) Bat (flying mammal) and bat (sports equipment) Bow (front part of a ship) and bow (to bend forward) Fair (just or equitable) and fair (carnival or festival) See (to observe) and sea (ocean) Right (correct) and right (opposite of left) Scale (measuring device) and scale (fish skin) Rose (flower) and rose (past tense of rise) Bank (financial institution) and bank (side of a river) Match (competition) and match (lighting device) Light (opposite of dark) and light (not heavy) Spring (season) and spring (coiled metal) Tire (to become fatigued) and tire (rubber covering for a wheel) Plane (flying vehicle) and plane (flat surface) Book (reading material) and book (to reserve) Rock (solid mineral) and rock (to sway back and forth) Bear (animal) and bear (to carry) Ball (sphere) and ball (formal dance) Pole (long, thin object) and pole (person from Poland) Tear (to rip) and tear (drop of water from the eye)

What is the term for one word that has two or more meanings?

Homonyms are words that have different meanings, but are spelled and pronounced the same. For example, the word fly can refer to the ability to travel through the air, or it can refer to a particular type of insect.

What are words called that are spelled the same but have different pronunciations?

Words that are spelled the same but have different pronunciations are called heteronyms. An example is "lead" (to guide) and "lead" (a metal).

What is the homonym for there?

Actually "their" is a homophone for "there". Homonyms must have the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings. An example is palm - part of you hand or a tree.There is no homonym for there.

What is the homonyms of the word even?

Even has a number of different meanings in English. Check for homonyms to English words.