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Q: What are the different operations that you can perform with a mouse in a gui based operating system?
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What is an operating system in operations management?

An operating system is the system working on the computer. Linux and Windows are both operating systems used in businesses.

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explain the different components of operating system in details

What is an operating system interface?

It is a set of commands or actions that an operating system can perform and a way for a program or person to activate them.

What are three operations managed by operating system?

It manages the Hardware resources maintanes the system of files controls input and output operations

Define sequential operating system?

Sequential systems extend the idea of combinational logic by including a system state, or in other words memory, to our system. • This allows our system to perform operations that build on past operations in a sequential manner (i.e. one after another).• Timing diagrams will be needed to analyze the operation of many sequential systems.

What makes the operating system to perform what it does?

Basically, any operating system is simply instructions written in code the computer understands.

What are the different logic gates?

1.) what is operating system? 2.) what an array ? how is an array different from ordinary variable ?

What is the name of the mechanism for an application program to make a request to the operating system?

The mechanism is called "system call". Certain operations are privileged and cannot be performed directly but through system calls which calls are requests to the OS to perform that task on behalf of the user.

What will effect if an operating system cannot perform memory deallocation?
