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Smooth ER

Rough ER


Plasma Membrane

Golgi Apparatus


Nuclear Envelope


Free Ribosomes



Nucleic Pores

Attached Ribosomes

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12y ago
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Damien Armagost

Lvl 1
1y ago
nucleolus centrioles lysosome rough ER ribosomes cytoplasm vacuole nucleus mitochondria smooth ER cell membrane Golgi Body
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13y ago

An animal cell has many different organelles:



-Cell Membrane


-Endoplasmic Reticulum





-Golgi body

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9y ago

There are 13 main parts to an animal cell. These components include cytoplasm, rough ER, smooth ER, ribosomes, Goigi body, vacuoles, mitochondrion, nuclear membrane, nucleolus, nucleus, lysosomes, the cell membrane, and the centrosome.

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11y ago

The 8 parts of a animal cell are:

1. Cell Membrane

2. Nucleus

3. Nucleolus

4. Cytoplasm

5. Mitochandrian

6. Ribosome

7. Lysosomes

8. Endoplasmic Reticulum

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11y ago

there are only 9:

  1. nucleus
  2. golgi complex
  3. lysosome
  4. cytoskeleton
  5. mitochondrion/mitochondria
  6. endoplasmic reticulum
  7. ribosome
  8. cytoplasm
  9. cell membrane
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14y ago

Answer:Cell membrane, Lysosome, Nucleus, Nucleous, Nuclear Membrane, Vacuoles, Centrolsome, Mitochondria, Cytoplasm, Rough ER,Smooth ER, Ribsomes and The Golgi Body.

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13y ago

The mitochondria, ribosomes, syctoskeleton, vacuole, Golgi apprentice, and the endoplasmic reticulum

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12y ago

Cell membrane, Lysosome, Nucleus, Nucleolus, Nuclear Membrane, Vacuoles, Centrosome, Mitochondrion, Cytoplasm, Rough ER, Smooth ER, Ribsomes and The Golgi Body. :)

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Damien Armagost

Lvl 3
1y ago




rough ER






smooth ER

cell membrane

Golgi Body

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What do the parts of a animal cells do?

There are several different parts of an animal cell so it really depends on which you are talking about

How do you compare an animal cell to a school?

You could have different parts of the cell representing different parts of a school. For example, have the cell wall as the walls of the school, then have the chromoplasts as windows or something. Just think of different parts of a school and tie it in with the parts of a cell. Use your imagination!

Animal and plant cell?

Animal cells do not have a cell wall and have small vacuoles, while plant cells have a cell wall and large vacuoles. Plant cells also contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis, which animal cells do not have. Both types of cells have a nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus.

What are the parts of a Animal cell?

i dont excactly know what the parts are but i know there is a cell membrane involved the three parts of a animal cell is the cell membrane, Nucleus and cytoplasm.

What are the four parts of an animal cell?

main parts of an animal cell are the... Cell Membranes, Ribsomes, Nucleus(plural is Nuclei), and the Cytoplasms.

Name parts of a animal cell that are not found in an plant cell?

Three parts that are not found in the animal cell are large central vacuole, cell wall, and chloroplast.

What cell parts plant cell have and animal cell do not?

Cells have a cell wall animal cell's don't have a cell wall.

How animal cell is different from plant cell?

well the animal is different from a plant cell because a plant cell have a cell wall, & chloroplast and the animal cell does not

How is animal cells different from plant cell?

well the animal is different from a plant cell because a plant cell have a cell wall, & chloroplast and the animal cell does not

What are the relationships between organelles in an animal cell?

The parts of an animal cell are called organelles because they are the organs of a animal cell.

Are all parts of an animal cell in the same place like in another animal cell?


What cell parts do animal cells have that plant cell do not have?

Cell Wall