

Best Answer

There's two different tiers of courts - civil and criminal. The top courts are the same for both.


Magistrates - EVERY criminal matter starts here, 97% of them finish here. They deal with all small crimes an consist of 3 lay magistrates (or one District Judge).

Crown - Cases deemed to serious for the Mags come here. They are tried in front of a jury with a Judge presiding.

Court of Appeal - Cases appealed ROM the Crown come here

House of Lords - Cases appealed from the CoA come here


County - District Judge. Small room, informal, deals with all kind of civil matters

County - Circut Judge - same building as above, but for cases that have become too complicated for DJ

High Court - high profile cases or ones with an important point of law come here instead of County

Court of Appeal - Apeals from County and High

House of Lords - Appeals from CoA

(Gwion - cases over £5k are still heard at County- they are called fast-track or multi-track cases. Under £5k are small claims)

There's two different tiers of courts - civil and criminal. The top courts are the same for both.


Magistrates - EVERY criminal matter starts here, 97% of them finish here. They deal with all small crimes an consist of 3 lay magistrates (or one District Judge).

Crown - Cases deemed to serious for the Mags come here. They are tried in front of a jury with a Judge presiding.

Court of Appeal - Cases appealed ROM the Crown come here

House of Lords - Cases appealed from the CoA come here


County - District Judge. Small room, informal, deals with all kind of civil matters

County - Circut Judge - same building as above, but for cases that have become too complicated for DJ

High Court - high profile cases or ones with an important point of law come here instead of County

Court of Appeal - Apeals from County and High

House of Lords - Appeals from CoA

(Gwion - cases over £5k are still heard at County- they are called fast-track or multi-track cases. Under £5k are small claims)

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Q: What are the different types of court hearings?
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