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Electron microscope: atom, amino acids, protein, virus...

Light Microscope: Plant and Animal cells, Human egg, frog egg.

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Q: What are the different types of microscope slides?
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Where can I purchase microscope slides in Cleveland?

You're gonna have a hard time finding microscope slides in stores in Cleveland, so you're best bet is shopping online. Psylinks offers plenty of different microscope slides at a cheap price, check their website at :

What are the different slides for a microscope?

1. Well slide2. Slide3. Slip cover

What are the different types of microscopes and their purposes?

There are reflective microscopes (similar in design to a telescope), and transmission microscopes where the objective is on the other sample and used for looking at slides. There are phase-contrast microscope, electron microscopes and scanning tunneling microscope.

What is a comparison microscope?

A comparison microscope is a specialized microscope that has two separate optical systems, allowing for side-by-side comparison of two samples simultaneously. This type of microscope is commonly used in forensics for comparing specimens such as hairs, fibers, or bullets. It helps in identifying similarities or differences between the samples being examined.

What are two different types of microscope's?

Light microscope Electron microscope

What are the different types of microscopes?

There are many. Simple microscope, compound microscope, light microscope, scanning electron microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope, Dissection microscope, etc,but all together there are about 20 different types of microscopes.

How are slides held place?

Microscope slides are held in place on the microscope's stage by slide clips or slide clamps.

What are the two different types of microscopes?

Light microscope Electron microscope

How many types of microscope are?

There are many. Simple microscope, compound microscope, light microscope, scanning electron microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope, Dissection microscope, etc,but all together there are about 20 different types of microscopes.

What are the Types of microscopes?

There are many. Simple microscope, compound microscope, light microscope, scanning electron microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope, Dissection microscope, etc,but all together there are about 20 different types of microscopes.

How many types of microscope are there?

There are many. Simple microscope, compound microscope, light microscope, scanning electron microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope, Dissection microscope, etc,but all together there are about 20 different types of microscopes.

What is the best way to store microscope slides?

The best way to store microscope slides is in a slide box. A slide box will keep slides from sticking to each other, keeping them intact.