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In ASCII and Uni-code, many different languages and symbols are put into digital format. Each has an allocated number, which is then chosen when needed (on different language keyboards...etc)

If that is not what you meant, you could type with your feet if you like.

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its sirtaki or syrtaki,both ways of typing are acceptable.

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There are many different typing lessons that are available online. The best one that I would recommend to use is Typing Tutor or the Typing Tutor Two. They are great to use.

Are there any online typing courses you recommend?

There are several kinds of free online typing courses you can do online. There are different styles of learning great typing games or letters

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a plant cell is different to a animal cell in many ways including the shape of it. I would suggest typing it in to google and ask for diagrams that usually works for me.

Where can one take a practice typing test?

Practice typing tests are available online from many different websites. Some free practice typing tests online can be found at TypingTest and CalculatorCat.

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Sake was speared on a speared because "Sake" and "Speared" are two different words that sound similar but have different meanings and spellings. The confusion between the two names likely stemmed from a typing error or misunderstanding.

What are four ways to increase typing speed?

i honestly started playing runescape for a while and my typing ks know fast.runescape is boring game so i play soldier front just use a game that involves typing.and i dont know other 3 ways

When typing or using a or sign do you leave a space between the sign and number?

I dont think it will be wrong either ways :)