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Disadvantages to the Parolee:

* unfair and inane blanket parole stipulations * excessive reporting requirements

* prejudicial treatment * stigma/taboo * lack of freedom * restricted movement * difficulty obtaining employment * difficulty obtaining apartments * police harassment Disadvantages to the Parole Officer:

* blanket parole stipulations that do not address parolee issues * forced to be responsible for one who has proven irresponsible * drug testing parolees who will not stop using * forced to listen to lame excuses * lack of space in jails and prisons limits disciplinary options * limited options for parolee living placement * limited options for parolee work placement * law enforcement interference Disadvantages to society:

* excessive expense due largely to corruption and incompetence within the system * inordinate focus on certain classes of criminals rather than those who represent true dangers

* lack of a true, accurate understanding or knowledge of the previously convicted (preconceived notions) and the problems surrounding corrections

* lack of focus on the problems surrounding corrections due to lack of interest * lack of understanding of the true dangers that can arise due to lack of understanding and lack of focus or interest

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13y ago

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Probation and Parole.

Probation is the sentence some people receive when convicted of a criminal offense that allows them to continue to participate in the community within certain guidelines and restrictions. While it is normally far easier than doing time in jail, it does have its disadvantages.

1. Domestic Freedom

A person who is on probation has the right to choose where he or she lives but may not be allowed to live with other people who are on probation or parole. Probationers are free to choose with whom they live within the state their probation is being served.

2. Occupational Freedom

People serving probation are required to hold a job and support themselves and their dependents. The probation officer informs the employer of the status of the person on probation. Some licensed professionals may have their license revoked and have to seek other employment.

3. Religious Freedom

People on probation may seek to attend a religious service in their community and to participate in activities for their spiritual development. The options within the penitentiary system are more restricted. Community service options are greater outside prison or jail walls.

4. Recreational Freedom

Serving probation outside of a jail or prison gives more opportunities for recreational activities. A person on probation can form good habits and create a positive lifestyle by choosing recreational activities that are legal and healthy.

5. Legal Options

Upon fulfilling the terms of the probation, which usually include regular meetings with a probation officer, periodic drug testing, obeying all laws and being employed, many people apply to be expunged; this erases the offense from public record.

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Some will argue that there really are no benefits. ADVANTAGE: Probation or parole allows you to be free of being incarcerated, and live in the "free" world with your family and MAYBE your ability to continue doing your job. DIS-ADVANTAGES: There are MANY intrusions and influences upon your daily life. In many cases, you either have to report to, or be subject to the the unannounced visits of, your Parole Officer who will be monitoring your employment, your lifestyle, who you are hanging around with, are you staying sober, are you doing drugs, and (in some cases) are you wearing your court-mandated monitoring bracelet or anklet? MANY probationers and parolees chafe very badly under this kind of observation and in many cases the opportunity to fall back into old habits creates the situation for a VOP (violation of probation/parole) which puts them back in the slammer anyway.

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