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Q: What are the disadvantages of red hat Linux enterprise?
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Related questions

What is Red Hat Enterprise Linux used for?

red hat enterprise Linux is used as a server while red hat Linux is used as client..

What file system does Red Hat Enterprise Linux use?

ext3 is the default file system for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

What is the name of OS for Linux Red hat?

Initially it was just called "Red Hat Linux", but now Red Hat focuses exclusively on the enterprise market with its Linux distribution named "Red Hat Enterprise Linux" (RHEL) with the community version named CentOS (Community ENTerprise Operating System) and Fedora (a Red Hat-supported community Linux distribution)

Who created Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

Red Hat, Inc. is a company that rebrands, supports and distributes the GNU Linux operating system, along with their own enhancements. One of their product lines is called Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Was Red Hat Enterprise Linux the slang name for Linux?

No. Red Hat Enterprise Linux is simply a commercial Linux distribution primarily used for servers. It was never a nickname for Linux itself.

Is Red Hat Enterprise Linux a Linux distribution?


What is Red Hat Enterprise Linux?

an operating system developed by red hat inc.

Where can you download Red Hat Enterprise Linux?


In which year was Red Hat Linux discontinued?

Red Hat Linux was discontinued in 2003, and replaced with "Red Hat Enterprise Linux", and the free, home-use version "Fedora". Updates were discontinued for Red Hat after 2006.

What is red hat operating system?

Red hat operating system is a Linux based operating system assembled by the company Red Hat.It was released on November 3,1994. It was the first Linux distribution to use the RPM package manager. since 2003 Red Hat has discontinued it in the favor of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) for enterprise environment.Now fedora project is supported by the community and Red Hat. Red Hat Linux 9, the final release, hit its official end-of-life on 2004-04-30, although updates were published for it through 2006 by the fedora project till it's shutdown in 2007.

Is Red Hat Enterprise Linux an operating system?


What is the difference between Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5?

both are different versions. rhel 5 has more features and inbuilt software..