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electrolysis of water could ensue, blocking conductivity

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3w ago

Using salt water to conduct electricity can lead to corrosion of the conducting material due to the salt content. It can also result in the production of harmful byproducts, such as chlorine gas, during electrolysis. Additionally, salt water is less efficient than other conducting materials, such as copper wire, for transmitting electricity over long distances.

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Nope. Sugar water doesn't carry or conduct electricity.

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No, pure water does not conduct electricity because there are no other solutions present. For the water to conduct electricity, there has to be an electrolyte. Salt water, Tap water, and sugar water do conduct a little electricity because they contain soluble ionic compounds.

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Yes, electricity does travel through water because it contains ions that can conduct electrical current. However, pure water is a poor conductor of electricity, while impurities in the water can increase its conductivity. Using water to conduct electricity can be dangerous and lead to electric shock or short circuits.

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pure water does not conduct electricity. the presence of electrolytes in the water is what conducts electricity. the equation for the conductivity (ability to conduct electricity) Conductance = 1/ resistance

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No. Water can only conduct electricity in its liquid state with dissolved ionic solutes.

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They conduct electricity only if they are electrolytes: in water solutions or when they are melted.

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Do_ionic_compounds_conduct_electricitycompounds conduct electricity when they are either dissolved in water of they are molten. If they remain a solid then they will not conduct electricity

How do water conduct electricity?

Water can conduct electricity because it contains dissolved ions, such as sodium and chloride. These ions allow for the flow of electric current through the water. Pure water, with no ions present, is a poor conductor of electricity.