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Q: What are the disadvantages of using the wood cut method of printing?
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What are the disadvantages of block printing?

1. linoleum is not so suitable for fine lines as it is wood 2. Block printing by hand is a slow process

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Where does the wood block printing technique originate from?

Wood block printing originated in China. Historians believe the people of China began to record information on wood blocks by caring or using ink in the seventh century AD.

What are the advantages and the disadvantages of painted wood?

The advantage of using paint for wood is that it makes the wood look nicer. The disadvantage of using paint for wood is that the wood as no real protection and it can rot and get damaged easily!

What are the disadvantages of using a cheap longboard?

The disadvantages of using a cheap longboard are that they tend to be made of stiffer wood and when you ride the longboard there is no give or flexibility which gives a very unstable ride.

Who invented the printing?

The Chinese invented printing. They invented it with wood blocks

Why was wood block printing important?

Wood block printing was used so multiple copies of something could be made.

Why was wood-block printing important?

Wood block printing was used so multiple copies of something could be made.

What sculptural method was used for making the Amida Nyorai by Jocho?

The Yosegi Technique using wood.

What is the difference between screen printing and block printing?

Screen printing involves the use of stencils to transfer the design. Paint is applied to a frame stretched silk, or some other fabric that can be used for screen printing, and it penetrates the areas of the screen not blocked by the stencil. With this method you get consistent looking prints that are clean and can be done cheaply. Block printing involves carving a wood print block and pressing it sequentially along the length of the paper. This method creates a stamp that prints differently each time.