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Disadvantages of wind power:

  • The strength of the wind is not constant and it varies from zero to storm force. This means that wind turbines do not produce the same amount of electricity all the time. Luckily, wind energy isn't produced in isolation. It's added to widely connected energy grids with 24 hour spot energy markets. It's added to grids that span thousands of kilometres and have many types of generation and demand. Up to about 20% of a grid's generation capacity, it requires very little backup.
  • Some people see large wind turbines as unsightly structures and not pleasant or interesting to look at. They believe that wind turbines degrade the landscape.
  • Wind turbines generate noise. A subset of people who live near wind turbines find this noise annoying. A subset of those people get stressed by it. Wind turbine noise does not make people sick.
  • Birds are killed by wind turbines. Studies show that wind turbines do not threaten the vast majority of bird species populations. Killing birds, in other words, does not threaten birds generally. That said, wind turbines should not be sited on raptor migration routes, as the Altamont wind turbine farm was. The best evidence is that song birds migrate at 2000-4000 feet, far above wind turbines and sea birds avoid them according to radar and thermal studies of North Sea wind farms.
  • Bats are also killed by wind turbines, due to barotraumic stress (the reduced air pressure behind a wind turbine blade is damaging to bat's lungs and heart). However, bats are not killed in significant numbers compared to their populations by wind turbines. Bats are, however, killed in significant numbers in North America by white nose syndrome (300,000 in one cave alone.)
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Q: What are the disadvantages of wind power?
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What are the advantage of wind energy?

Disadvantages 1)Wind power needs a lot of land. 2)wind power is a hard subtences to get in a town where they do not get that much wind . 3)Towns that do not get this much wind that is needed for the turbines .

What are the disadvanteges of wind power?

the disadvantages is that the wind turbines disturb the migration of flying birds. it also disturbs the ecosystem.

What are the dis-advantages of wind energy?

Disadvantages 1)Wind power needs a lot of land. 2)wind power is a hard subtences to get in a town where they do not get that much wind . 3)Towns that do not get this much wind that is needed for the turbines .

What is a problem with using wind to produce energy?

The two major disadvantages of wind power include initial cost and technology immaturity.

What is a problem with using wind turbines to produce energy ?

The two major disadvantages of wind power include initial cost and technology immaturity.

What are three disadvantages about wind power?

1) the weather is unpredictable 2) spoil aesthetic look 3) cost of building wind farms is expensive

What is a problem using wind turbines to produce energy?

The two major disadvantages of wind power include initial cost and technology immaturity.

What are some short answers to the disadvantages for wind power?

One disadvantage for wind power is that it takes a lot of money to build an actual wind turbine. You could also talk about the space they take up which could be used for agriculture or housing.

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Advantages? You can count on it being on schedule. If you use wind power you can never tell when the wind will stop or blow to hard. The tides are on schedule so you can count on them. Disadvantages: Twice a day the tide stops and changes direction.

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Oil and gas are non-renewable and produce emissions when burned. Wind and solar power take energy from the wind or sunlight, and will always be available so long as the sun exists. Both have advantages and disadvantages.

What are the advatages and disadvatages of wind power?

Advantages: clean energy, relatively cheap, "green" source of energy. Disadvantages: wind turbines can kill birds, the turbines themselves are not very attractive to look at.

Disadvantages of generate electricity in a wind turbine?

weather can change, wind does not blow all the time and at the same speed all the time so the power output OS a wind turbine is not as predictable as that of a fossil fuel burning power plant, where you have option of using as much fuel you want, at any time.