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Q: What are the duties for the governor in Iowa?
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Related questions

What is the governor's term limit in Iowa?

There are no term limits for Governor in Iowa.

Who is Iowa's president?

Iowa is a state, and does not have a president. The Governor of Iowa is Governor Chet Culver. However, Pres. Herbert Hoover was FROM Iowa.

Who is the Lt Governor of Iowa?

The Lieutenant Governor of the State of Iowa is Patty Judge.

Who performs the duties delegated by the governor?

Lieutenant Governor

How long Robert ray governor of Iowa?

Robert Ray was the 38th governor of Iowa. He served as governor from January 16, 1969 until January 14, 1983.

What is the salary of the Iowa's governor?


Who is the chief executive of Iowa?

The governor.

How long was Robert Ray governor of Iowa?

Robert Ray was the 38th governor of Iowa. He served as governor from January 16, 1969 until January 14, 1983.

What are the duties of the Iowa DNR?

There are many duties of the Iowa Department of Natural Resources known as DNR. Their main duties include regulating the states air, land, and water, along with education of the public.

How do you impeach iowa governor?

You would need the state legislature to impeach your governor.

Who is Iowa's Lieutenant Governor?

Patty Judge.

Who is the govorner of Iowa right know?

Chester Culver is the current governor of the State of Iowa.