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basically yeah the economic advantages of cloning crop plants in tissue culture is that its pretty cheao and easy to do innit.

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Q: What are the economic advantages of cloning crop plants in tissue culture?
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What economic advantages and disadvantages does cloning crop plants in tissue culture have?

The advantages are that you can get a lot more plants and feed more people. Disadvantage is that you may end up with too much and the price will go down.

What does cloning crop plants in tissue culture involve?

Cloning of crop plants in tissue culture involves tiny pieces from the parent plant. Sterile agar jelly with plant hormones are needed which makes tissue culture an expensive way of cloning crop plants.

Is cloning of crop plants in tissue culture ethical?

one of the ethical reason about cloning a plant is that it is not natural

By which process can a group of genetically identical plants be rapidly produced from the cells of a single plant?

cloning/Tisssue culture

Significance of tissue culture?

Tissue culture is the growth of tissues in suitable environment. They are used widely in study of maturation and growth of animal cells and plants, in cancer research, in cloning experiments etc.

What is the purpose of cloning plants?

Tissue culture cloning is the process of taking small parts of specimen plants and creating unlimited numbers of exact genetic copies asexually in a sterile lab setting. This process has been adapted to create genetically altered commercial food and medicinal crops.

When complex plants are produced by cloning which process is most directly involved?

The most direct process involved in cloning complex plants is somatic embryogenesis. This process involves the development of embryos from somatic cells, allowing for the propagation of plants with desirable traits from a single parent plant.

Where is cloning used in Australia?

In the production of plants

What social advantages and disadvantages does cloning crop plants in tissue culture have?

The social advantages are that we could: grow a large number of plants during a short period of time. This would make them stronger than ever and plants would have more chances of surviving. This method would help people to be able to control the growth and development of their plant This would also allow us to produce the plants even if the climate/weather isn't really suitable for growing one. They could use the equipment again which would make it good in the long run! The social disadvantages of cloning plants are: that all the plants that are made will have the same chances of infections because they all have the same vulnerability. The diversity of plants will decrease. The process will need a lot of time and observation spent on it. It would take time to produce when it's much faster to just grow a plant normally.

Is cloning illegal?

The disscussions of cloning are still very vague. It is well known that the cloning of human beings is illegal, due to religious problems. On the other hand the cloning of plants and animals is legal.

How has cloning been used in the past?

On animals and plants

When was cloning invented?

this is really where but when, I hope it helps. 'The modern era of laboratory cloning began in 1958 when F.C. Steward cloned carrot plants from mature single cells placed in a nutrient culture containing hormones. The first cloning of animal cells took place in 1964.' Yeah but it has been going on before that. Not cloning physically but the idea has been around for years. And I believe individual cells were cloned in the very early 1900s