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Q: What are the effect of drugs or alcohol on the digestive system?
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How can drugs such as alcohol and cigarettes affect the digestive system?

Alcohol and cigarettes are not drug you stupid piece of sh*t! They affect you, but they're not drugs you stupid piece of sh*t!

The speed and the degree with which the effect of alcohol and other drug are felt depend on how much and quickly the alcohol and other drugs gets to the central nervous system?


What are the drug interactions with alcohol?

That would depend on the drug to be more specific, but in general certain drugs will increase the effect of alcohol in the system to the point that some combinations can be fatal.

How can alcohol interaction with other drugs be fatal?

The interaction between the chemicals/drugs and the alcohol and with your body system.

When combined with alcohol or depressant drugs the depressant effect of antihistamines can be much?

yes -taken with alcohol or depress. drugs effects will be greater.

How can drugs effect you socially?

Considering drugs could not very harmful for you health. Mentally, drugs and alcohol destroy your cerebellum and your limbic system. It makes you less intelligent and makes you no longer experience. Socially it can be outcast to you

What type of digestive sacs in cells help to detoxify drugs and alcohol?

Peroxisome are vesicles containing oxidative enzymes which detoxifies drugs, alcohol, and also breaks down fatty acids.

When combined with alcohol or other depressant drugs the depressant effect of antihistamines can be greater?

yes -taken with alcohol or depress. drugs effects will be greater.

When combined with alcohol or other depressant drugs the depressant effect of antihistamines can be much?

yes -taken with alcohol or depress. drugs effects will be greater.

When combined with alcohol or other depressant drugs the depressant effect of antihistamines can be much greater.?

yes -taken with alcohol or depress. drugs effects will be greater.

What are three human activities that effect the biosphere?

smoking alcohol and drugs