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Same as the effects on a human, more or less. However, an animal is incapable of understanding or coping with the effects: it may become dangerous while under the influence, and will certainly suffer. Torturing animals in this way is one of the warning signs of sociopathy, so if you're thinking this might be something you'd like to do, please see a therapist.

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Q: What are the effects magic mushrooms when ingested by dog?
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Dogs are affected by the chemicals in magic mushrooms, and thus they would exhibit changes in behavior if they ingested an appropriate quantity of magic mushrooms. However, what dogs actually experience while under the influence of mushrooms is anyone's guess.

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This chemical can kill if ingested. Advise you take the dog to a vet if it has ingested a large amount of this chemical.

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Try to get the dog to vomit, and take it to the vet.

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Neo-poly-Bac is a very common medication that is safe for dogs used to primarily treat eye infections. If a large quantity was ingested the pet may have diarrhea or an upset stomach but not long term side effects.

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no the answer is no you are dumb

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Probably, depending on the dose ingested. I would certainly call an animal emergency hospital and ask their advice.

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To a certain extent yes. Normally they grow around it, not actually in it. I would stay away from small mushrooms growing around it though. Not all mushrooms are edible. Not all are psychedelic. Some are just plain poisonous. Catastrophic liver failure might result from eating various mushrooms. Permanent Brain-damage might result from eating psychedelic mushrooms.

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No dog mushrooms aren't physicadelic and dont have the same spores in it as a cow would have if he grew mushrooms I don't recommend trying it could make you sick

Can 2 pieces of raisins kill a dog?

Depends on the size and body weight of the dog. Just like some humans are more prone to the effects of alcohol on their mental and physical reactions, some dogs will display more symptoms of a raisin "buzz" than others. If you're concerned that your dog may have ingested raisins, and is displaying goofy, erratic behavior, then let the dog rest and provide plenty of water. It will sleep off the effects. If the behavior persists, then contact your vet.

If your pet cat or dog ingests a roach tablet or eats a cockroach that has ingested a roach tablets are there any side effects?

It really depends on how much the pet ate and how big the pet is. They can cause anything from diarrhea and vomiting to kidney failure.