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Depending on the nature of the acid, the acid concentration, the time of contact, etc. For example some acids as sulfuric acid, hydrofluoric acid, trichloroacetic acid are very dangerous but citric acid or stearic acid are not.

If you you are referring to fingernails, a weak or loosely concentrated acid, such as vinegar or lemon juice, will likely not do anything noticeable unless you dip your fingertips in it for an extended period of time. If it is a stronger acid, such as concentrated chlorine, some corrosion of the tissue of the nails may occur and there may be peeling of the skin surrounding them.

If you mean the type of nails used for construction or carpentry, the acid is likely to produce oxidization (rusting). If more than one type of metal are dipped in an acidic solution, the exchange of ions being released in the reaction can produce a slight electrical charge.

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3w ago

Acid can weaken and erode the structure of nails by breaking down the proteins that make up the nail plate. This can lead to nail damage, such as brittleness, thinning, and discoloration. It is important to avoid exposing nails to harsh acids to maintain their health and strength.

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