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it can spread more than a mile away up to 3 miles approximately

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Q: What are the effects of ammonia gas to human and environment?
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Related questions

What effects does ammonia have on water?

Ammonia gas is dissolved in water; an ammonium hydroxide solution is obtained.

What effects does burning gas and coal have on the environment?

air pollution green house gas effects destroys the of ozone layer

Is too much ammonia bad for the environment?

Yes, too much ammonia in the environment can be harmful. It can lead to water pollution, harm aquatic life, and contribute to eutrophication, which can disrupt the balance of ecosystems. Therefore, it is important to monitor ammonia levels and prevent excessive release into the environment.

Are Ammonia acids based neutral?

Ammonia is a basic gas. It is not a neutral gas.

Is ammonia gas chemical or physical?

Ammonia gas is a chemical substance. It is composed of nitrogen and hydrogen atoms bonded together in a specific molecular structure, distinguishing it as a chemical compound rather than a physical state of matter.

What is meant by ammonia gas sensor?

An ammonia gas sensor is a device that detects the presence of ammonia gas in the air. It works by measuring the concentration of ammonia molecules and providing an output signal that alerts users to its presence. These sensors are commonly used in industrial settings, agricultural facilities, and laboratories to monitor and control ammonia levels for safety and environmental purposes.

Is ammonia a solid or a gas?

Ammonia is a gas at room temperature.

What kind of gas do Ammonia factories give you?

Ammonia factories produce the gas ammonia (NH3).

Is ammonia NH3 a greenhouse gas?

No, Ammonia is not considered a greenhouse gas.

What gases does household ammonia have in it?

Household ammonia primarily consists of water and ammonia gas. Ammonia is a compound made up of nitrogen and hydrogen atoms.

What is the difference between ammonia gas and ammonia ion?

Ammonia gas is a compound composed of one nitrogen atom bonded to three hydrogen atoms. Ammonia ion, on the other hand, is the ionic form of ammonia that has gained a hydrogen ion (proton) to become NH4+. This means ammonia ion has a positive charge, while ammonia gas is neutral.

What are the effects of gas powered cars in the environment?

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