

What are the effects of being drunk and taking Prozac?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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binge drinking is when u r gay

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Q: What are the effects of being drunk and taking Prozac?
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No. Carbonated drinks don't cause an effect of being drunk. The percentage of alcohol in the drink is what makes you drunk.

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it effects them if you are drunk and fall on top of them

Are the effects of alcohol temporary?

Being drunk, mal-coordinated, etc yes. Liver damage, brain damage, beer belly, no. Drink socially, not for the sake of it.

When your drunk is the heart drunk also?

No. A study showed that being "drunk" is caused directly from the brain being altered from alcohol. However, if you would are drunk, then it is possible to consider you're entire body, including your heart, drunk as well. But scientifically, no, your heart is not drunk.

How long after taking a Valium 10mg can you safely drink alcohol?

Valium (Diazepam) is a long acting benzodiazepine. Its effects last between 6-8hrs with lingering effects for up to 8 days. Valium increases alcohols effects by 3x. It would be safe to say depending on how regularly you drink and if you can handle your drink, It is pretty safe to drink almost immediately after 10mg. If you want to be cautious, wait 3hrs and then start. NOTE: IF YOU MEAN GETTING DRUNK, THEN BEAR IN MIND YOU WILL RISK SEVERE AMNESIA AND IT IS LIKELY YOU WILL GET DRUNK MUCH FASTER WITH LESS ALCOHOL. Also a good note; taking high doses of any long half life benzo (Valium, Klonopin) can have an effects for days. IE: you take 50mg Valium on monday, if you were to go out next day and get drunk you would notice a significant increase in effects, and it is likely you would get drunk on half of what you normally would. STAY SAFE

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