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Mountain top removal for coal leaves deep lasting scars in the natural vegetation, like brush and forest cover. Mining wastes are sometimes released into streams and estuaries, either by accident or intent. In areas where oil is being pumped, sometimes the ground settles, a process known as "subsidence." This generally occurs over large areas rather than via karst formation.

Ultimately, fossil fuels are oxidized, a chemical reaction which results in the release of energy. Typically this energy is used to heat water into steam to drive a turbine, thereby generating electricity. For transportation, the energy is used to drive pistons which turn a crank shaft, engaging gears that spin axels to create propulsion. Either way, the carbon from these fuels combines with atmospheric oxygen to form carbon dioxide, which lingers in the air, ever so gradually increasing the planet's temperature. That is not an immediate effect of the fossil fuel extraction process, but of the consumption process. Nevertheless it is an ultimate effect.

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Q: What are the effects of extracting fossil fuels?
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