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the effects are centuries of radiation that is close to impossible to live in there is never a safe tome to come out of your house and that alone is still not enough to keep you alive as the only thing radiation proof is led and there is not enough led in the world to line all the houses in the world with it or even a small place that it effects .

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Q: What are the effects of nuclear Holocaust?
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What were the negative effects during World War 2?

Adolf Hitler killed millions of people in the Holocaust

What are the causes and effects of the holocaust world war 2?

hitler hated the homosexuals, jews, and mentally ill. those are some of the causes and the effects are a lot of people died.

Describe the effects of the introduction of nuclear weapons?

The main one has been the terror of the cold war and all the side effects from that terror.

How did the build up of nuclear weapons discourage their use?

Eventually there were so many nuclear weapons, total destruction of the Earth was possible. The term "Mutually assured destruction (MAD)" was used to describe the resulting holocaust.

What is a nuclear Holocaust?

It is the scenario wherein the U.S. and Russia launch their nuclear weapons, and the multiple strikes in both countries and on other secondary targets around the world destroy many of the world's large urban centers and strategic installations. There will be an extended loss of life as economic systems collapse. The world will revert to a less advanced and interconnected place and will suffer under the after effects of the many blasts and all the environmental damage that they will do. Human life will be pushed to the brink of extinction. Big Bomb - It is more the scenario when the entire world is devastated by a globe shattering nuclear war that turns the world into a desolate waste. A nuclear holocaust is the event where most of human life is wiped from existence by nuclear devastation, it would not just involve the United States and Russia, but more or less all nations with a nuclear arsenal. These include the United States, Russia, China, Britain and France. Big Bomb - A nuclear holocaust usually involves the widespread use of nuclear weapons detonating the major cities of the world. Most likely, the communists would join together in targeting the capitalist nations. New York, Washington, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Chicago would be primary targets for Russia, while Moscow and other major urban centres in Russia would be big targets for the US.

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What are the Effects of nuclear Holocaust on living things?

Every thig is wiped out.

Are we undergoing a nuclear holocaust because of Japan's nuclear accident?


Did they use nuclear weapons in the holocaust?

No, Nazi Germany had no nuclear weapons.

What happens to people in a nuclear holocaust?

they die

What does nuclear Holocaust mean?

It means the kind of devastation that a nuclear war would produce.

What effects did the war have on the Holocaust?

it made the Holocaust easier to hide. the volume of pows accelerated the need for the Holocaust

What country may cause a nuclear holocaust?

This is politics, not science or engineering

What is the fear of a nuclear holocaust called?

Atomosophobia - fear of atomic explosions.

Did the holocaust start the nuclear age?

It didn't. WWII was the cause that led the the development of the nuclear weapons, and that contributed to starting the Cold War.

What are the effects of a nuclear accident?


What were the effects of the Jewish Holocaust?

many Jewish people died

What were some of the effects on the tattoos from the holocaust?

Painful memories is all