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it really depends on where you live, but then genral idea of what will/would of happened is she would of been taken to hospital treated with palvelax (paracetamol antidote) depending on how long it had been in her system or had her tummy pumped or cracoal drink to make her throw up, after that she would of seen the deliberate self harm team and from there either sectioned, which means she is detained under the mental health act until they feel she is fit enough to be discharged, or discharged right bk into the comunity ususally with some support from a mental health agency and also her parents will of been told to keep an eue on her and to not leave pills lieing around!

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you die?

Your Family is embarrassed and hurt. Everyone you ever met will think it was their fault you killed yourself and may become depressed and kill themselves also.

If you are considering suicide, see a guidance counselor, or if you don't go to school, a psychologist, religious leader, family member, etc. It is important to talk about this. Call 1 800 273 8255 The national suicide hotline. They cant tell anyone and they are trained to help you through this difficult time.

Suicide is a permanent solution to usually temporary problems. Don't end your life.

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Q: What are the consequences of a failed suicide attempt?
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If you attempt suicide and fail do you have to fill out a statement?

People who attempt suicide usually make a statement beforehand; this is called a "suicide note". "Committing" suicide is completing the act successfully; only an attempt may fail. If you tried to kill yourself and failed, count yourself lucky and GET HELP; make any related statements to a therapist or counselor.

Is it wrong to leave someone after they failed attempt suicide twice?

yes. in their state of being. think about it. they're depressed. they need someone by their side clearly. after a failed attempt and then another. they're not going to just be OK after that.

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The USSR advanced to Germany and Hitler commited suicide.

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BE THERE FOR THEM! Mentally connect with the person, don't just say "it will get better".

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Any failed method really. If you want to attempt suicide to elicit a reaction from family and friends, find out what you want the outcome to be, and try to get that outcome through a productive means. You don't have to attempt suicide to be taken seriously.

What were Adolf Hitler's consequences?

he committed suicide

If someone cause a person to commit suicide can legal charges be brought against that person?

Yes, but only if he failed in the attempt..

Is it illegal for a convicted felon to attempt suicide in Montana?

I believe its illegal to attempt suicide anywhere in the United States regardless of who you are.

What are the effects of suicide on the individual?

If the suicide attempt is successful, the result is fatality.

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What does the phase 'vain attempt' mean?

An attempt to do something that failed

What are the judicial consequences of attempted suicide?

go to jail