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Wind Chill Factor

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Q: What are the effects of wind and temperature on the human skin called?
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Hydrothermia describes the effect of the temperature of water on outside objects. Examples would be placing an object in ice water or the effects of a hot bath on human skin.

When humans sweat water releases heat called?

A human sweats in order to help reduce their body temperature. The sweat evaporates off the skin and so reduces body temperature.

The outside layer of the human skin is called what?

It is called epidermis.

What is the outside layer of human skin called?

It is called epidermis.

What is the largest organ called?

In a human it is the skin.

What is the human body's skin's outer covering?

Human skin is called skin. It is part of the integumetary system which consists of skin and its derivatives like nails, glands, and hair.

Which organ of the human body regulates the body temperature?

Skin regulates temperature, through perspiration.

A what temperature does the human body melt?

106 f. why would you want to know that, anyway?!

What is the coloring matter in the skin of human beings?

The pigment of the skin is called melatonin.

A gas which can be called dry ice?

Carbon dioxide can be referred to as dry ice when it is in solid form at temperatures of -78.5 degrees Celsius or lower. Dry ice sublimates directly from solid to gas, without passing through a liquid state, which makes it useful for various applications like refrigeration and fog effects in entertainment.

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Human being with snake skin?

In humans this condition is called Ichthyosis. The skin looks scaly, but it is not snake skin.