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Many of the heavier elements are named after scientists. In order of their atomic number:

  • 96 (Cm) Curium: named after Marie (Sklodowska) Curie.
  • 99 (Es) Einsteinium: named after Albert Einstein.
  • 100 (Fm) Fermium: named after the Italian physicist Enrico Fermi, one of the fathers of nuclear physics.
  • 101 (Md) Mendelevium: named after Dmitri Mendeleev, creator of the Periodic Table. (The initially proposed symbol, Mv, was later discarded in favour of Md.)
  • 102 (No) Nobelium: named after Alfred Nobel, inventor of dynamite and founder of the Nobel Prizes.
  • 103 (Lr) Lawrencium: named after Ernest Lawrence, inventor of the cyclotron particle accelerator. The symbol chosen initially was Lw, but later the more popular Lr was officially recognised.
  • 104 (Rf) Rutherfordium: named after Ernest Rutherford.
  • 106 (Sg) Seaborgium: named after Glenn Seaborg.
  • 107 (Bh) Bohrium: named after Niels Bohr.
  • 109 (Mt) Meitnerium: named after the Austrian physicist Lise Meitner.
  • 111 (Rg) Roentgenium: named after the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, discovered of the X-rays.
  • 112 (Cn) Copernicium: named after Nicolaus Copernicus.
There also are a few elements that are indirectly named after a scientist:
  • 64 (Gd) Gadolinium: named after the mineral in which it was discovered, gadolinite, which in its turn was named after the Finnish chemist Johan Gadolin.
  • 114 (Fl) Flerovium: named after the Russian scientist Georgy Flerov (or Flyorov,a s it is alternatively transliterated). (Officially, the element was named after the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, a Russian research institute which in its turn was named after the scientist who founded it.)
Furthermore, one of the names proposed for the discovered and not-yet-named element 113 (Uut, ununntrium) becquerelium, in honour of the French physicist Henri Becquerel, discoverer of radioactivity.

Additionally, some of the proposed (or provisional) names for some elements were derived from scientist:

  • Element 104: one of the proposed names was kurchatovium (Ku), in honour of the Russian scientist Igor Kurchatov, former head of the Russian nuclear research.
  • Element 105: one of its provisional names was joliotium, after the French physicist Frederic Joliot-Curie. (The name was originally proposed for element 102, later named nobelium.)
  • Element 108: provisionally named hahnium (symbol Hn), after the Otto Hahn, "the father of nuclear chemistry".
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