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Perspective is the main element. Probably the one you need the most (if you are doing it for some kind of work). The Cubists create their artwork by looking at one item and then looking at it in another perspective. They then collect all of the perspectives and make it into one piece of artwork. Look at 'bottle and fishes' by Georges Braque. you will see that the reason why the painting is almost unrecognisable is because they have painted the same objects but at different perspectives.

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12y ago

There were many periods of Picasso that were all different. In his early work, he was much like other masters, painting clear, colorful works. In his blue period, his paintings consisted of mostly the color blue. In the Picasso most people know, his paintings were very abstract and employed cubism. Proportions were distorted and nothing was where it should be.

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Line, tone, shape, colour, texture and pattern.

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Click link below to read about it!

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aaron is a good boy 5g

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Q: What are the elements of Cubist artwork?
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Yes, to create unit an artist adjusts elements of the artwork to make them work together and add to the wholeness of the work.