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Magnesium phosphate has the formula 'Mg3(PO4)2'.

Hence the elements are

Mg (Magnesium x 3)

P (Phosphorus x 2)

O (Oxygren 4 x 2 = 8).

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Magnesium, phosphorous, and oxygen.

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Q: What are the elements present in magnesium phosphate?
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What is the state of Magnesium phosphate?

Magnesium phosphate exists as a white solid at room temperature. It is commonly used in the production of fertilizers and food additives due to its high solubility in water and its role in various biological processes.

What is the name for NH4MgPO4?

ammonium magnesium phosphate NH4 = ammonium Mg = magnesium Po4 = phosphate

What elements are present in ammonium phosphate?

Ammonium phosphate contains the elements nitrogen, phosphorus, hydrogen, and oxygen.

How many atoms of each element are in a compound made from magnesium and phosphate?

There is more than one compound between magnesium and phosphate, but the most common one has a formula of Mg3(PO4)2. This formula unit contains 13 atoms: 3 of magnesium, 2 of phosphorus, and 8 of oxygen.

What elements are found in magnesium chloride?

Magnesium chloride is composed of one magnesium ion (Mg2+) and two chloride ions (Cl-). The compound is typically found as a white crystalline solid and is commonly used in various industrial and medical applications.

What is the elements of MgSO2?

Magnesium, sulfur, and oxygen are the elements present in MgSO2.

What is the name of the ionic compound Mg3PO42?

The name of the ionic compound Mg3(PO4)2 is magnesium phosphate.

What is the number of atoms in magnesium phosphate?

* Magnesium phosphate monobasic (Mg(H2PO4)2) -> 15 atoms * Magnesium phosphate dibasic (MgHPO4) -> 7 atoms * Magnesium phosphate tribasic (Mg3(PO4)2) -> 13 atoms

What is the name of compound (NH4)PO4?

The name of compound (NH4)PO4 is Ammonium Phosphate .NH4 and PO4 are both polyatomic ionsNH4(ammonium) has a positive 1 charge, and is the cationPO4(phosphate) has a negative three charge, and is the anionIn order to balance the ionic compound, you need an over all charge of zero(or neutral charge). You have a negative three charge on phosphate so you need a positive three charge of ammonium. Therefore, you have 3 NH4 and 1 PO4Source(s):

What are the elements present in magnesium bicarbonate?

Magnesium bicarbonate contains magnesium, hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. The formula is Mg(HCO3)2

Is Magnesium phosphate solid or aqueous?

Magnesium phosphate is typically a solid compound at room temperature. In aqueous solutions, it can dissociate into its ions, magnesium (Mg2+) and phosphate (PO43-).