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Q: What are the enemies of albertosaurus?
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Who are trex enemies?

Albertosaurus, Daspletosaurus, Troodon, Quetzocoatlus

Where were the Albertosaurus fossils found?

where were albertosaurus fossils located

Does Albertosaurus eat meat?

Yes, the Albertosaurus was a carnivore.

Who discovered albertosaurus?

Alan Rider discovered the Albertosaurus

What dinosaur was the albertosaurus related to?

Albertosaurus was related to T-rex.

How did the Yangchuanosaurus defend itself?

Albertosaurus were the largest carnivores where they lived, so their only enemies were other Albertosaurus. They would have fought by biting. Some tyrannosaur specimens are found with such bite marks on their heads, so they probably bit each other on the head during fights, as well as other areas.

What is an albertosaurus?

An albertosaurus was a giant, fierce carnivorous tyrannosaurus-like dinosaur, discovered in Alberta, Canada.

How do you know that a tyrannosaurus rex evolve from a albertosaurus?

albertosaurus didn't evolve into a t-rex, daspleteosaurus did.

Where did a albertosaurus live?

Albertosaurus lived in the Late Cretaceous period, about 70 million years ago.

What do albertosaurus eat?

Albertosaurus would have lived in a forested area around Alberta, Canada. It lived alongside dinosaurs like Styracosaurus, Euplocephalus, and Hypacrosaurus.

What is the enemy of pachyrinosaurus?

gorgosaurus or albertosaurus

Did the albertosaurus eat the stegosaurus?

Albertosaurus lived between 71 and 68 million years ago. Stegosaurus lived between 155 and 150 million years ago, meaning that they died out 79 million years before Albertosaurus existed. If they had lived at the same time and in the same place, though, Albertosaurus would have hunted Stegosaurus.