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Buboes are the enlarged lymph nodes that are noticeable in victims of Bubonic Plague. Buboes occur in the lymph nodes of the armpit and groin areas of the body.

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15y ago

I looked it up and they're called buboes.

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13y ago

They are called buboes.

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Q: What is enlarged lymph nodes of bubonic plague called?
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Who made the name for bubonic plague?

The bubonic plague is named after the the lymph glands which swell to form egg-shaped lumps under the skin; these swollen glands are called bubos

Bubonic plague is named for buboes Which are what?

Swollen lymph nodes

What are the symptoms of plauge?

Bubonic plague-affects the lymph nodes (another part of the lymph system). Within 3 to 7 days of exposure to plague bacteria, you will develop flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, chills, weakness, and swollen, tender lymph glands (called buboes-hence the name bubonic).

Which type of plague would produce fever chills and weakness very swollen tender lymph nodes of bubo and skin ulcerations?

The Bubonic Plague (a.k.a. the Black Death).

Why is it called the black plauge?

Because the bubonic plague (first to hit Britain) was when humans got boils, and the boils were BLACK. Because the Bubonic plague, (spread by fleas from infected rats), would cause the victim to receive boils, and blotches of skin that would turn black or blue. These are not boils but enlarged lymph nodes which became black (gangrenous).

What does bubonic mean?

Bubonic means symptomatic evidence of buboes, which are lymph nodes inflamed and swollen because of plague, gonorrhea or tuberculosis.

What is a bubOE?

it is swelling of the lymph nodes. It is found in infections such as bubonic plague, gonorrhea, tuberculosis or syphilis.

Where in the body does bubonic plague happen?

Most commonly in the lymph nodes. You get the bubonic plague most commonly through infected fleas carried by rats or animals. It is very rare in the united states.

Is bubonic an adjective?

Yes, it is. It means "characterized by buboes" (swelling of the lymph nodes).It is primarily used in the compound noun "bubonic plague" (a deadly disease).

What does the name bubonic plague mean?

AnswerBubonic - having or relating to a "bubo", a swollen lymph node, most commonly heard now refering to the swollen lymph nodes seen with plague. Bubo comes from the Greek word Boubon which means either the groin or a swelling in the groin.Origin for the Bubonic Plague NameBubonic plague is named because of the symptoms. The bacterial infection produces a painful swelling of the lymph nodes. These are called buboes. Often the first swelling is evident in the groin. During the Middle Ages, a pandemic of bubonic plague was referred to as the Black Death, because of the blackening of the skin due to the dried blood that accumulated under the skin's surface.

What plague causes fever chills and weakness very swollen tender lymph nodes of bubo and skin ulcerations from insect bites?

Bubonic plague

What are the symptoms of the Justinian plague?

The plague of Justinian is believed to be the first recorded instance of the bubonic plague. The symptoms include necrosis of the hand, and swollen lymph glands. As the disease got worse, the lymph nodes could hemorrhage and become necrotic.