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There are no exact words.

Each negotiation is different

One of them is

1. Enter the confessional, kneel, make the sign of the cross and "In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Glory Be to Jesus Christ. The last phrase in Ukrainian is pronounced "Slava Isusu Khrystu" to which the priest may reply "Slava na Viky" or "Glory Be Forever".

2. You then give the prologue: "Father, it has been _______________(weeks, months, etc) since my last confession, I completed my penance, and since that time I have committed the following sins for which I am truly sorry:" Here you can list all your sins, frequency, etc. You will know better than I what rapport you have established with your priest at this time as to back and forth conversation. The priest may ask questions or give recommendations.

3. After listing your sins, the priest may give helpful advice and assign you your penance (Our Fathers, Hail Marys, something else).

4. At completion of this, the priest may say a prayer of absolution over you during which you may recite the following act of penance (in Ukrainian it is called Bozhe Mylostyvyj)

a) Lord Have Mercy on me a sinner;

b) Lord Cleanse me of my sins and Have Mercy on me;

c) Lord I have sinned without number, Lord please Forgive me.

In saying the above 3 one after the other you may make the sign of the cross for each or, alternatively, take your right hand and make a fist and touch your heart with your right hand for each (old style).

During this prayer of penance, the priest, as above, may recite a prayer over you which will end with him blessing you. When he is done, you can say "thank you Father" or "Glory be to Jesus Christ" (Slava Isusu Khrystu), cross yourself and voila, off to complete penance.

That's it. Someone else might have other recommendations but that is it off the top of my head. God Bless.

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