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Mimosa plant.

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Q: What are the examples of Turgor Movement Plants?
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The pressure in plant cells to make them firm?

In plants, the cell wall makes it firm. For both plants and animals, the cytoplasm inside the cell makes them firm.

How do Venus Flytraps trap and protect insects?

First of all, they do NOT protect insects. They kill them and digest their juices. To enable the plant to trap them they secrete a sweet, sticky substance that attracts insects. Once the insect is attracted, the trap senses the insect and immediately snaps shut after 2 hairs are triggered. This quick movement is called a nastic movement. Such movements are done by using turgor pressure. Turgor pressure is pressure in a plant caused by water. Turgor pressure is displayed when plants are wilted from lack of water and when plants are stiff and strong when they have enough water.

The pressure that is exerted on the inside of cell walls and that is caused by the movement of water into the cell?

Osmotic pressure across the cell wall, here called Turgor Pressure.

Can plant cells have negative turgar pressure values?

Plant cells are not known to have negative turgor pressure values. However, there are times when plants will have low turgor pressures which may result into negative turgor pressure values.

Turgor pressure occurs in what kind of solution?

Turgor pressure occurs in a hypotonic solution where the cell's cytoplasm has a higher solute concentration than the surrounding environment, causing water to flow into the cell and create pressure against the cell wall.

Plants wilt on a hot summer day because of a decrease in?

turgor pressure

Which type of pressure is responsible for the maintenance of a plants erect position?

Turgor pressure

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What is osmotic influx of water?

entry of water that causes turgor pressure in vacuoles of plants

What large structure in plants cell help it maintain turgor pressure?

central vaculoe

Explain the role of vacuole pressure in generating cell turgor in plants?

it does your mom H8R

What are the mechanisms of closing over the prey for Venus Flytraps?

The Venus Flytrap uses a type of movement called a nastic movement wish is caused by a sudden stiffening in turgor pressure. Turgor pressure is pressure built up by water. That is why when a plant does not have enough water, it wilts from lack of this turgor pressure. I give credit to this knowledge to: Seventh Grade Science Class ;)