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Q: What are the examples of community based investigatory project?
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How can I make a title of my science investigatory project?

There various ideas that you can use to make a title of your science investigatory project. You can come up with a title based on the content, the process or the end result expected.

Can you give an investigatory project Physical category?

An investigatory project in the Physical category could be researching the effectiveness of various natural or homemade cleaning agents compared to commercial cleaners on removing stains. This project would involve testing different cleaning solutions on identical stains and analyzing their efficiency based on factors like time, cost, and environmental impact.

What is the standard science investigatory format?

Evidence based.

What is the history of investigatory project?

Investigatory projects have been a part of educational systems for many years, allowing students to explore scientific topics through hands-on research and experimentation. The concept originated from the idea of promoting inquiry-based learning and fostering students' critical thinking skills in science. Investigatory projects have evolved over time to encompass a wide range of scientific disciplines and have become a common practice in schools worldwide.

Can you please give us an easy investigatory project?

An easy project would be how do bees get nectar from flowers. What causes pollution and how can we stop it would be another one.

What are the examples of biology investigatory projects?

-Stop the development of cancers -regenerate nerve cells to repair spinal cord injuries -develop vaccines to prevent diseases -Discover biological tools to clean up pollution -prepare to stop the spread of infectious diseases not yet known -increase world food production

What kernel is the openSUSE operating system based on?

The kernel in the openSUSE operating system is based on the Linux system. It was developed by the community supported openSUSE project and was initially released in December 2006.

What is kalondolondo project in Malawi?

Kalondolondo Program is formaly called Community based Monitoring project is being implemented by a consortium of Plan Malawi, CONGOMA and Action Aid with Funding from the UKaid and Plan UK

What are the benefits of computers to global community?

The benefits of computers to the global community are almost boundless. One characteristic of computers is that it can do math at high speeds. It can be used to calculate how much grain must be imported to a nation in the global community extremely fast. Based on proper programming computers can project how much revenue must be spent or collected to fund a humanitarian project. It can be used to project population growth, economic growth, and other types of vital information needed by an individual member of the global community or by international organizations that service the entire or parts of the global community.

Is there any task based project planning software?

method for task based project planning

Difference between Product Testing and Project Testing?

Project based is nothing but client requirements. product based is nothing but market requirements. Ex.striching shirt is a project based and ready made shirt is product based.

What is the difference between traditional project and web based project?

differences between a Web Project and Traditional Project?