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The longest muscle in the body is the sartorius. One example of a short muscle is the corrugator.

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Q: What are the examples of long and short muscles?
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Some examples of long words with a short "o" sound include: ostracize, autobiography, notorious, philosophy, and oligarchy.

What are plants requiring long nights to flower called?

short-day plants some examples of short-day plants are poinsettias, strawberries, and ragweed

What is an example of a short muscle?

The thenar muscles, which are located at the base of the thumb, are an example of short muscles. The human body contains three types of muscles.

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heart muscles

What are muscles you do not control called?

involuntary muscles. Stomach, intestines and your heart are examples.

What muscles are attached to the ulna bone?

The thumb extensors are examples of muscles that attach to the ulna bone. The ulna bone is one of the two long bones in the forearm and can also be called the elbow bone.

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Examples of monotrame mammals are duck-billed platypus and two species of echidna (long-nosed and short-nosed).

Muscles that are under your control?

Muscles that are under your control are known as voluntary muscles. The arms, legs, and face muscles are prime examples, as they are muscles under your control.

Does whale have a long or short a?

In English, the word "whale" has a long A sound. Generally, when you see an E at the end of a one-syllable word, it makes the vowel have a long sound: tame, made, face, and whale are some examples of words with the long A sound.

What are plants requiring long nights to flower?

short-day plants some examples of short-day plants are poinsettias, strawberries, and ragweed