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I have to wite a five senses poem(the poet explores his/her emotions as they relate to:sight, smell, taste, sound,and feelings)

This is my Poem:

Love is blind

It sounds like the thunder before the storm

It feels like the earth after the first rain

It smells like red roses

It tastes like saccharine strawberries

It lives everywhere

Can you please tell me if it makes sense? and edit it for me please, and say what can i add to it(i think the ending has to change)

ROSE >.<

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13y ago
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1mo ago

Some examples of sense poems include "A Noiseless Patient Spider" by Walt Whitman, "The Bells" by Edgar Allan Poe, and "To Autumn" by John Keats. These poems use vivid sensory imagery to evoke the reader's senses and create a rich emotional experience.

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13y ago

When you're able to "feel" something in the poem with one of the 5 senses (touch, sight, taste, smell, or hearing). For example, if the poem stated, "The sun was as yellow as a sunflower." This would be a sensory poem because it deals with sight.

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14y ago

to right a sense poem you basically right a poem about the senses, like what you hear, taste, smell, touch, etc.

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