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Q: What are the extension .gov .edu .mil and .net called?
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What type of websites end with edu gov com net mil?

edu - Educationalgov - Governmentcom - Commercial - although now used by anyone for - Network infrastructure - although now used by anyone for - Military

What is the term for edu gov org?

These are all examples of so-called "top-level domain names", which also include net, com, mil, info, and hundreds of country codes (uk, is, cc, tv, etc).

What are the letters following after the domain name tell you the type of site?

The Top Level Domain (TLD), classic examples being .gov, .mil, .com, .edu, and .org, provide an indication in many cases as to what type of site you're visiting. The Top Level Domain (TLD), classic examples being .gov, .mil, .com, .edu, and .org, provide an indication in many cases as to what type of site you're visiting.

What do government websites usually end with?

.gov or .mil

Why do you put com after a website's name?

You don't always put a com after it. It stands for commercial. Other common endings include .gov (government), .edu (educational) and .mil (military). Other places end URLs with the company code, like ca (Canada) and jp (Japan).

What is the difference between dot com dot org?

A .com suffix on a URL indicates a commercial entity, one that typically is designed to make money. A .org suffix is a non-profit organization. There are many different suffix types: .gov Government .mil Military .edu Education

What was first domain name ever registered?

Several domains were registered on 1 Jan 1985; networks with only one domain don't make much sense! The first domains were edu, mil, gov, net and arpa. Most of these were registered to DARPA - the exception was mil - registered to the defense data network. The first commercial (.com) domain was; registered in March 1985.

What was the first domain name ever registered?

Several domains were registered on 1 Jan 1985; networks with only one domain don't make much sense! The first domains were edu, mil, gov, net and arpa. Most of these were registered to DARPA - the exception was mil - registered to the defense data network. The first commercial (.com) domain was; registered in March 1985.

What does the URL extension MIL mean?

it's a military website

Give the type of organization that would use the following top-level domains mil net air com org gov?

mil - military net - network air - airline com - commercial org - organization gov - government

What do com net mil org edu http HTML www have in common?

They are all used for your webpage. Http: HyperText Transfer Protocol www: World Wide Web Com: Commercial Net: Network Org: Organization Edu: Education Html: HyperText Markup Language Mil: Military (Top-Level Webpage)

How do you know if the sources are well enough documented on a website?

This is not my Forte, but as a general rule of thumb, these are reputable: .gov .org .edu .mil (military) Avoid ".com" when possible, but if you must, just type that information into google, and check to find if it is supported by other websites. If the information does not match other websites, there is a greater chance of it not being 100% true.