

Best Answer
  • Rubrospinal tract
  • Tectospinal tract
  • Lateral reticulospinal tract
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Q: What are the extra-pyramidal tracts that cross to the opposite site of spinal cord?
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What is the function of the spinocerebellar tracts?

the spinocerebellar tracts contain axons that do not cross over to the opposite side of the spinal cord. These tracts assist in the passage of proprioceptive information to the cerebellum.

What are the different sides of the brain used for?

This has to do with neurological tracts that comes from the brain halves to the spinal cord. Tracts that come from the right brain cross over to the left side to the spinal cord, which controls nerve input and output from the environment on the left side. The same results occurs on the right side of the body from the left side of brain.

What fiber tracts carry signals about voluntary movement to the spinal cord?

The basal ganglion are responsible for carrying the impulses from the cerebral cortex to the cerebellum. The impulses pass through the brain stem in an area called the pons where they cross-over and switch sides of the body. This is why your left side of your brain controls the right side, and visa versa.

What is the opposite of cross?

The opposite of the verb to cross is not to cross. Where it means to cross (betray) someone, the opposite would be to abet, assist, or support.The opposite of cross (cranky, in bad spirits) could be cheerful, happy, or amiable.

What are the 5 cells located in the occipital lobe?

axons of the ganglion cells leave the eyeball as the optic nerve. At the optic chiasma, the medial fibers of each eye cross over to the opposite side. The fiber tracts formed are called optic tracts. The optic tracts synapse with neurons in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus, whose axons form the optic radiation, terminating in the visual cortex of the occipital lobe of the brain.

What are the origins for lateral spinothalamic and anterior spinothalamic tracts?

Lateral reticulospinal tract : It arises from the nuclei of reticular formation of the brain stem (mainly medulla)Medial reticulspinal tract : It arises from the nuclei of reticular formation of the brain stem (mainly pons)

What is a counter cross?

A movement in a direction opposite to a cross to balance the stage picture.

Why did trigonometry cross the road?

To get to the opposite side.

What is the opposite of wall-eyed?

cross eyed.

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What is another word of across?

over, beyond, opposite, cross

What is the Gray matter that resembles the upper wings of a butterfly in spinal cord cross section?

Posterior Horns.