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aids is a big issue because there are 5,000 - 7,000 people dieing everyday and there is not the education in Africa to provide children with to become nurses and doctors.

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Q: What are the factors affecting population distribution in Africa?
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How did the slave trade affect the population distribution of Africa?

The slave trade disrupted the population distribution in Africa by causing significant population losses in regions where people were captured and enslaved, leading to decreased population density and shifting demographics. Many areas experienced a decrease in population and lost vital labor force, contributing to economic and social turmoil.

Why is there no relief for starving children in Africa?

"Relief for starving children in Africa is a constant humanitarian effort. Many factors will effect the distribution, such as tribal wars and fractured peoples."

What are the factors affecting current status of economic growth in South Africa?

The main factor affecting the current status of economic growth in South Africa is industrial production and car manufacturing. These two factors helped South Africa's economy grow in 2012 and 2013,

What is the population of Africa?

As of my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, the estimated population of Africa was approximately 1.37 billion people. However, it's important to note that the population of Africa is constantly changing due to factors such as birth rates, migration, and mortality rates.

What are factors affect the climate of Africa?

Factors that affect the climate of Africa include proximity to the equator, the presence of mountain ranges, ocean currents, and the distribution of land and water. These elements influence temperature, rainfall patterns, and seasons across the continent.

What is the difference between a pandemic and an endemic?

Pandemic means affecting a large population or geographic area i.e. "AIDS is pandemic in Africa."Endemic means affecting a certain area i.e. "Kangaroos are endemic to Australia."

The forced transport of Africans to the Americas as part of the Atlantic slave trade was an example of which factor affecting population?

The forced transport of Africans to the Americas was an example of migration affecting population patterns. This mass movement of people influenced demographic changes in both Africa and the Americas, shaping population distributions and cultural developments in those regions.

Why does History it affect population distribution?

today many modern people lived in Africa and the population have the density and population growth kinda so im doin homework so i don't

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Witch country do lions come from?

Lions are native to parts of Africa, primarily found in countries such as Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, and Botswana. They are also found in a small population in the Gir Forest of India.

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Continent that has the highest population growth?

Africa has the highest population growth rate among all the continents. This is due to factors such as high fertility rates, improving healthcare, and declining mortality rates, leading to rapid population expansion.