

Best Answer

one of the most thing thatconsumer have toconsider is


awreness is very important thing that firm havetoprepare

through advertising,trade,show,testing...

and in front of the customer let himobserve yourproduct

and apply aida.

attention to drive him to pay attemntion

interstdrive himto watch wath you show or present

desire at thatmoment you drivehimthat he is desiring such product

action : when applying the process absulutly you willdrive customer tobuy the


he willexperinceit and tillfriend ,naboursand groups

he willifluence others too.

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The more motivated you are to succeed, the better you will learn! People who mope about and complain about how hard learning is and how they don't want to do it have a much harder time than people who tell themselves that the boring part is needed to get to their goals and that they'll be much more successful if they keep at it and work harder.

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The changing behavour of a learner and classroom perfomance

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Computer :D

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Q: What are the factors that affect learning process?
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What are some of the environmental factors that affect learning?

The factors that influence learning process can be categorised into two, which are internal and external factore. Internal factors are such factors like the environment, relationship, context reward/purnishment and methods. However, internal factors include perception, emotion, attitude, ability. motivation and memory.

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Research shows some of the major factors that affect motor learning are environment, cognitive processes, and movement organization (Jarus, 1994)

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1. How might factors such as diversity, attitude, learning, and work styles affect team building?

Three Factors that affect the planning process?

Three factors that affect the planning process in an organization is lack of team work, communication, and motivation.

What are the external factors influencing learning processes?

The external factors influence the learning process are environment and nature through five senses and intelligence.

How does sensation and perception affect learning?

because these two are part of one continuous process which is learning

What is principle of learning in you own word?

The principle of learning is the process of acquiring knowledge or skills through experience, practice, and reflection. It involves connecting new information with existing knowledge to build understanding and make meaningful connections. Ultimately, learning enables individuals to adapt, grow, and apply what they have learned in various situations.

What is principle of learning in own word?

The principles of learning are also referred to commonly as the learning process. Some of the factors that go into the learning process are readiness, exercise, effect, primacy, regency, intensity and freedom.

How do language factors affect the education of Spain?

Language factors affect the education of Spain significantly. With poor language skills, progressive learning becomes almost impossible and students may be hindered from learning new things.

What are two factors that affect the cost of using a LMS hosting service?

There are factors that affect the cost of using an LMS hosting service. Two of these factors include, the type of the Learning Management System, the better the functions of the LMS the higher the cost and the other factor is whether the process is done in a partnership or not. A Partnership will mean splitting the costs.