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Q: What are the factors that can induce coma?
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If a forty-two year old is on a coma what are the chances of them coming out of it?

Age has less to do with it then the cause of the coma, how severe the injury was (if there was an injury), how long they have been in a coma, their overall health, and several other factors. Sometimes hospitals will actually induce people into a coma. If the patient has been intubated (put on a machine to assist their breathing), they will often be given medications to actually put them in a coma. This allows the breathing machine to work better because the body isn't fighting against it. When the patient begins to heal and can breathe on their own again, they will allow them to wake from the coma and remove the machines. The best thing to do is to talk to the doctor and find out WHY they are in a coma. They can estimate what the chances are in that patients induvidual case.

Does being in a medically induced coma affect results of blood alcohol test?

It could depend on any medications administered whilst induced in a coma. However, it is extremely unlikely that a doctor would induce coma with any alcohol based medication. So the real answer is no, but in theory possibly.

What causes myxedema?

There are certain health factors that can trigger myxedema coma. Besides poorly controlled hypothyroidism the onset of a myxedema coma can result from infection, hypothermia, not taking thyroid medication properly, or other severe health factors.

What Drugs Induce A Soothing Lulling Or Dulling Affect And In Large Enough Doses Can Cause Coma Or Death?

There are possibly many. In the submersible business we used Lithium hydroxide

What factors prevent recovery from coma?

if areas of the brain have been sufficiently damaged due to the severity or duration of the condition which led to the coma, the individual may recover from the coma with permanent disabilities, or may even never regain consciousness.

Can abuse of alcohol put you in a coma?

Yes, alcohol abuse can put you in a coma in several different ways. At high enough levels it will induce a coma by itself. It also can cause vitamin deficiencies that can affect brain function. It can cause other metabolic problems such as bleeding, pancreatitis, low glucose, electrolyte abnormalities, abnormal heart rhythms and other problems that can cause comas.

How many people in a year are in a coma?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as the prevalence of coma varies widely depending on factors such as location, the underlying cause, and access to medical care. In the United States, for example, an estimated 69,000 individuals are diagnosed with a coma each year.

What is called a voluntary coma?

the coma is coma is a/the tail ofthe/a comet

How long does it take to come out of a medically induced coma and how do they do it?

A medically induced coma usually ends within 6 hours of the medicine which they induce the coma which is stopped. The person usually wakes up on their own. Their are sometimes complications though, and the person may take a while to come through. In very rare cases, they don't.

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What are atropine's possible side effects?

Atropine may cause severe adverse effects with dose-dependent degrees of severity. Overdoses of atropine, for instance, may induce delirium , hallucinations, coma, circulatory and respiratory collapse, and death.