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Q: What are the factors that encourage risk alcohol behaviour?
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What factors encourage risk behaviour in drugs?

By have a richer teeth and spiing hand

What are the factors that encourage risk behavior?

Smoke, drink, srugs

Factors that encourage risk behavior of dagga?

It's very important to distinguish clearly between the use and the abuse of alcohol. Societies that fail to do so tend have high rates of alcohol abuse. Parents who either drink in moderation or who abstain set equally acceptable examples for their children. It's parents who abuse alcohol who set a bad example. > peer pressure > bad parenting (one or both parents drink and set a bad example) > the temptation to taste alcohol > acting before thinking > try to act cool and act like you have been drunk before > and just plain boredom

What is the meaning of modifiable risk factors?

behaviour and physical caondition for example smoking and diet

What are involuntary risk factors for the heart?

Involuntary risk factors for Heart disease are smoking and drugs and drinking a lot of alcohol...

What are three risk factors for hypertension?

alcohol, stress, smoking

Impact of risk behaviour of dagga?

Impact of risk behaviour

What are the risk factors associated with oral cancers?

The most important risk factors for cancer of the tongue are alcohol consumption and smoking. The risk is significantly higher in patients who use both alcohol and tobacco than in those who consume only one.

Are there more risk factors for adults then there are for minors as it relates to drug and alcohol use?

No, Minors are at a greater risk.

Factors such as age gender family history and genetics are risk factors while risk factors are ones that are in your power to change?

Yes, risk factors for certain conditions or diseases, such as age, gender, family history, and genetics, are not within our control and cannot be changed. On the other hand, modifiable risk factors are factors that we can change or manage, such as diet, exercise, smoking habits, and alcohol consumption. By addressing modifiable risk factors, we can take actions to reduce our risk for certain health conditions.

What are the risk factors for esophageal cancer?

Use of tobacco. The highest risk for esophageal cancer is the combination of smoking and heavy alcohol use. Abuse of alcohol. Barrett's esophagus as a result of long-term acid reflux disease.

What is one of the strongest risk factors for drug use?

One of the strongest risk factors for drug use is a history of substance abuse or addiction in the family. These genetic and environmental factors can increase an individual's likelihood of developing a substance use disorder.