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Factors that hinder quality education in secondary schools can include inadequate funding, lack of qualified teachers, overcrowded classrooms, outdated curriculum, poor infrastructure, insufficient learning resources, and socio-economic disparities among students. Addressing these challenges requires comprehensive reforms and investments in education systems.

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Q: What are the factors that hinder quality education insecondayschools?
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What are the issues and problem of elementary in teaching physical education related in Philippine setting?

Some issues related to teaching physical education in elementary schools in the Philippines include limited resources for sports equipment and facilities, lack of trained physical education teachers, overcrowded schedules with academic subjects taking precedence, and insufficient emphasis on the importance of physical education in the overall curriculum. These factors can hinder the effective delivery of quality physical education programs to elementary students.

Where did Thomas Edison complete his education?

Thomas Edison did not complete his formal education. He attended school for a brief period but was largely homeschooled by his mother. Edison's lack of formal education did not hinder his success as an inventor.

How does technology affect education in Brazil?

Technology in education in Brazil has the potential to increase access to education, enhance learning experiences, and improve educational outcomes. However, challenges such as limited infrastructure, unequal access to devices and the internet, and the need for teacher training may hinder the full potential of technology in education in Brazil.

What are the Problems of educational planning in developing countries?

Some common problems of educational planning in developing countries include inadequate funding, lack of infrastructure, insufficient trained teachers, large class sizes, low student retention rates, and a focus on rote learning rather than critical thinking skills. These challenges can hinder the quality and effectiveness of education systems in these countries, leading to disparities in access to quality education.

What kind of education did Thomas Edison have?

Thomas Edison received minimal formal education, attending school briefly before being homeschooled by his mother. He was largely self-taught and developed a strong interest in science and experimentation at a young age. Edison's lack of traditional education did not hinder his success as an inventor, as he went on to hold over 1,000 patents in his lifetime.

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